Discover our new dog food topper where we combined vitamin wealthy organic fruit with and pure beef liver sprinkles for dogs and cats into one great product! Our liver and blueberry natural sprinkles with apple dog food topper is made of beef and could also be loved by cats as a cat food topper. Blueberries contain antioxidants, fibre and Vitamins C and K which provide a boost to immune system. Our natural sprinkles for are great for puppies, small breeds, medium breeds and large breeds. This healthy powder can be utilized to assist pets with eating issues, as a liver treat for dogs with some extra flavour or to make homemade dog cookies and treats. 100% human grade, all natural.
Makes kibble and dog food delicious and healthier so add slightly or so much!
Liver is the number one dog treat and our liver powder is pure beef liver
Organic blueberries and organic apples offer more vitamins and other health benefits
Easy to make use of, just scoop with a spoon or shake it on to food delicately (powder is fine)
El hĂgado es bueno para todos los perros y cachorros de todos razas y ellos les encanta; añadir a la comida
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